All figures come from the U.S. Census Bureau Report.
The Census Bureau defines ancestry as a person's ethnic origin, racial heritage, descent, or "roots," which may reflect their place of birth, place of birth of parents or ancestors, and ethnic identities that have evolved within the United States.
Arkansas 2000 population of Arkansas: 2,673,400 (2000 census)
People in America Series: Largest ethnic groups in Arkansas
Notes: Because of sampling error, the estimates in this table may not be significantly different from one another or from other ancestries not listed in this table.
People who reported two ancestries were included once in each category. Some groups correspond to groups identified separately in the race and Hispanic origin questions. The race item provides the primary source of data for White, Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian groups, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander groups. The Hispanic-origin question is the primary identifier for Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other Hispanic groups.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 Census and Census 2000 special tabulations.
Table key
Data derived from the U.S. Bureau of the Census (2010).
Count Number of occurrences: Estimate of the number of people with the surname in the United States. (s) means the data was suppressed for privacy.
#/100K Occurrences / 100,000 people: The number of occurrences of a given surname per 100,000 in the United States.
% White % Non-Hispanic White Only: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "non-hispanic white" (race)
% Black % Non-Hispanic Black Only: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "non-hispanic black" (race)
% API % Non-Hispanic Asian & Pacific Islander Only: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "non-hispanic Asian & Pacific Islander" (race)
% AIAN % Non-Hispanic American Indian & Alaskan Native Only: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "non-hispanic American Indian & Alaskan Native" (race)
% 2 or More Races % Non-Hispanic of 2 or More Races: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "non-hispanic two or more races" (race)
% Hispanic % Hispanic Origin: Percentage of people with a given surname who classified themselves as "Hispanic origin" (race)
Rank in 2010
Count in 2010 Number of occurrences: Estimate of the number of people with the surname in the United States according to the 2000 census.